Use to send magic link to end user to authenticate without a password


Content-type: application/json

    "email":"[email protected]", //mandatory, email of end user
    "client_id":"8b5e6e7a45caec7b891c13a8a2484acf", //mandatory, this is your app's id that is provided
    "client_secret":"4d6765d698ce1824a678ca07143decdba4c123d08743e72eb8b0bf7fc4028d8e", //mandatory, app's secret that is provided - note: this should always be stored only in a secure server and never in the front end
    "base_url_email_link":"<>", // mandatory; the base url of the email link sent is this; Default "<http://localhost:3000>"
		"expiry":"3600000", // optional, in milliseconds; default "300000"
    "push_email":"No", //optional if you don't want to send email; default "Yes"		
		"callback_url":"<>", // optional; the url to redirect to once authenticated. If not provided this would be defaulted to the base_url_email_link value	
		"login_hint":"[email protected]", //optional; can add this to include user email to be able to prepopulate email once user clicks on magic link
		"claims":{ // can add custom claims for API access control. This is returned encoded within the access token, even when the access token is refreshed with the refresh token.
			"role": "read-only-user",


	status: 200
    "success": true,
    "email_link": "<[email protected]>"

Next: Verify email link